Felix Art Fair 2023Joe W. SpeierFebruary 15 to February 19 2023Download Press ReleaseSeated Guitarist and Figure, 2022ballpoint pen, acrylic, graphite, and vinyl, 48 x 30 inches, 121.92 x 76.2 cmSeated Guitarist and Figure, 2022detailSeated Guitarists and Others in Room, 2022ballpoint pen, acrylic, vinyl on canvas, 48 x 72 inches, 121.92 x 182.88 cmSeated Guitarists and Others in Room, 2022detailGroup in Living Room, 2022Ballpoint pen, acrylic, graphite, 72 x 60 inches, 182.88 x 152.4 cmGroup in Living Room, 2022detailSunhat Lady, Dancers on Hillside, and bungalow, 2022ballpoint pen, acrylic, graphite, and vinyl, 78 x 54 inches, 198.12 x 137.16 cmSunhat Lady, Dancers on Hillside, and bungalow, 2022detailSeated Guitarist, Camera, Crouched Figure, and Downtown Loft, 2022Ballpoint pen, acrylic, and vinyl, 78 x 54 inches, 198.12 x 137.16 cmSeated Guitarist, Camera, Crouched Figure, and Downtown Loft, 2022detailUntitled Triptych, 2022ballpoint pen, acrylic, graphite, and colored pencil, 30 x 72 inches, 76.2 x 182.88 cmUntitled Triptych, 2022detailSeated Guitarist in Meadow, 2022acrylic and colored pencil, 36 x 30 inches, 91.44 x 76.2 cmShhhh and Flower, 2022ballpoint pen, acrylic, vinyl on canvas, 40 x 30 inches, 101.6 x 76.2 cmShhhh and Flower, 2022detailSeated Couple with Tree and Reclining Couple with Guitar, 2022acrylic and colored pencil, 30 x 40 inches, 76.2 x 101.6 cmCoffee Drinker and Poser, 2022acrylic on canvas, 30 x 40 inches, 76.2 x 101.6 cm